Monday 13 April 2009

be flexible in your daily plan IT IS NOT SET IN STONE

NOW THIS PIC BELOW IS ME GOING OFF PLAN, ha ha well not really,but it proves a point,see on this day i set out with a plan which was protein shake for breakfast,protein shake for lunch and fish with veg for my tea... so i bike to work and by the time lunch came i was starving,pics of mcdonalds flashed through my head, so i biked home and instead of having the shake i had this,omlette with bacon,mushrooms,onions,and a lil cheese,it filled me up,its packed with protein so is still helping me with fatloss, and because its packed with protein when it was teatime i had a smaller meal as i was still not that hungry,so here is the point iam making...
DONT FALL INTO THE TRAP OF "AM STICKING TO THIS DAILY PLAN" do not let yourself go hungry or you will FAIL!!!!!!!!!!, YOU WILL RAID THE FRIDGE FOR CHOC OR HAVE SOMETHING BAD FOR YOU FROM THE SHOP/TAKEAWAY, if you find yourself hungry then adjust your daily plan to reflect this, somedays you will feel full all day, others you will feel hungry, its how our bodies work,see your body knows what it needs more than we do ourselves, its a very clever engine .......

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